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In what ways has South Africa Challenge changed your outlook on life or world view?


It’s made me realise the huge discrepancies and inequalities that there are in the world but also to realise that there is a huge heart and inspirational quality of people in poverty and facing difficult situations making room for people to help them to realise their dreams if they only had access to resources. It has also made me realise that although the world is unfair, there’s a lot to learn from anyone and everyone, even those who seemingly have nothing.


On reflection, what did you learn about yourself, others, or South Africa?


About myself, I learnt that I have heart and strength, perhaps that I never realised before. From others, I learnt a lot about friendship and never giving up.


Which parts of the South Africa Challenge did you enjoy the most?


I enjoyed the talk that Darlene Menzies gave with the other guest speakers, and seeing actual South Africa, for example like when we went into a community with Shane (the entrepreneur we helped) and were able to speak to the people in Malweni and hear about their future goals.


How do you think South Africa Challenge will influence what you do in your future? Has it already influenced you since returning?


I think it’s influenced how I go about what I do now, it’s given me confidence to go and do whatever I want to and be more proactive about getting it, as well as a motivation to keep helping those who don’t have anything when I can.


What would you say to future participants?


Open your heart to South Africa, leave nothing at home - bring your whole self to SA and allow yourself to be changed.

If you had to summarise the South Africa Challenge experience in one paragraph, what would you say?


The South Africa Challenge is something that will change your outlook, change your aspirations, create friendships, teach you to cook and completely immerse you. It’s really amazing what you can get out of two weeks.

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