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In what ways has South Africa Challenge changed your outlook on life or world view?         

South Africa Challenge has helped me with realising how to make my mindset be broader. To dream beyond my limits and circumstances.                                                                                                     
On reflection, what did you learn about yourself, others, or South Africa?          

I have learnt alot about myself, my new strengths and weaknesses. I also have discovered the deeper understanding of who I am and why. I have learnt so much about how the others actually differ from who I am not in a negative way but in a way that them being different also helps me in the weaknesses that I have. What I learnt about my country is how much of opportunities are out there it just needs people like us (SAC) to help the people be aware of it.                                                                                                
Which parts of the South Africa Challenge did you enjoy the most?

The personal story session, it helped me see why my team members and the leaders had a certain personality. It helped us connect more as a team. Delivering our work to the candidates concerning our projects, It helped me see my strengths and helped me weigh my capabilities as a young lady.                                                                                                
How do you think South Africa Challenge will influence what you do in your future? Or how has it already influenced you since returning?                                                                                                    

It's made me see things in a brighter picture. How everything has a solution in life. My way forward for my business. 
Time management and direction to where I want to go and do with my life.                                                                                               
What would you say to future participants?    

Enjoy it, learn from it, do your best for your projects. Make sure you use your timing wisely                                                                                                                                                                 
If you had to summarise the South Africa Challenge experience in one paragraph, what would you say?                                                                                                    
It is an amazing life learning experience. SA Challenge reaches all segments in life that you need uplifted in your life as a human being. It trains and guides you into whatever field you want to pursue through letting you train yourself not by others or should I say the leaders. You grow incredibly in terms of your mindset your view of the world. It grooms you into a hardworking man or woman. It creates the best of what you are.          

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