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Frequently asked questions

Who can apply?


Anyone 18+ years old, interested in personal development and building their leadership skills, is welcome to apply.


Is it only university students that can apply?


No, we welcome applications from students and non-students alike. We often have graduates and professionals on the programme.


Common financial questions ​


What do the costs of the programme cover?


The costs of the trip (£1100 British Sterling) are designed to cover the cost of running the programme over the two weeks and includes:

  • Transport in South Africa

  • Food and drink

  • Accommodation

  • Tourist, cultural and recreational activities

  • Online training sessions before and after the trip

  • Mentoring and coaching to support your individual development

  • A South Africa Challenge Hoodie and t-shirt

  • A Fundraising Pack, support and guidance


Are there any costs which are not covered?


Yes, some costs are outside of the programme costs, these include;

  • Flights (to and from Durban King Shaka Airport) 

  • Visa applications if required

  • Travel insurance

  • Immunisations

  • Spending money (we recommend £80-£100 for gifts and souvenirs)


How much spending money would you recommend I take?


We recommend taking around £80-£100 to spend on gifts and souvenirs. 


VISA and Immunisations 


In terms of immunisation, what types of vaccines do I need to get?


You will need to visit a doctor and arrange any necessarily immunisations according to their advice.


Do I need a VISA?


You will need to check whether your passport requires a VISA to enter South Africa. Make sure you do so as soon as possible and if you are accepted onto the programme, make sure to start your VISA application process immediately, so as not to be disappointed if your VISA is not ready in time. The team can help with obtaining the right documents.




Where will we be staying in South Africa?


We will be staying at a Guest Lodge in Hillcrest, which is around 30 minutes from Durban by car.  


Is food and accommodation included in the costs?


Yes, this is included in the programme costs. You can see what other costs are covered under common financial questions above. 




How do I fund raise?


We will support you in developing a fundraising strategy. We have developed a Fundraising Booklet with guidance on how to create a fundraising plan, which we can share with you when you have been accepted onto the programme.


Can I pay for the trip myself?


We encourage all participants to try to fund raise at least some of the funds. You can gain invaluable skills from the experience. However, there is no requirement to fund raise; if you can raise the funds on your own, you may do so. Some participants have taken on part time jobs to help raise the funds.


The team 


What is the size of the participant cohort?


Our team sizes vary from 4-16, depending on the number of trips running per year. 


Where are the participants from?


In the past, we have had participants from various countries around the world (so far from countries from three continents – Africa, Asia and Europe). We encourage participants from any country to apply (we can turn those three continents into six!) We also have participants from South Africa on the team. â€‹


Why did you choose to volunteer as team leaders?


Each Team Leader in the past has had different reasons for volunteering, for example: continuing their personal development, supporting the growth of the programme, a wish to return to South Africa, among many others. Just ask us - we're always happy to talk about our experiences. 


Training programme 


What does the pre-trip training programme look like?


Before we depart for South Africa you will have access to an online training programme, covering key information and skills we think you need to hit the ground running. As well as an online weekend focused on projects and team video calls to give you the chance to know each other. 


This will be over a 4 week period and you will be expected to commit to 3-4 hours of work a week towards preparing for the trip.


What will happen on the ground?


On the ground, training is delivered by a mixture of visits to and discussions with non-for-profit organisations, entrepreneurs, and businesses. Plus group discussions and sessions focusing on personal development, goal setting and leadership styles. 


What happens after the trip?


After the two weeks, you become a part of our growing alumni network. You will meet the previous year’s participants and join a network that continues to support each other, including sharing opportunities and holding training sessions. 


Other questions


What are the next steps after I apply?


At the first stage of the application process is the online form. If you are successful at this stage, you will be invited to an interview with the team leaders. If you are successful at the interview stage, you will be invited onto the programme and asked to pay a deposit to confirm your place.

We will support you in developing a fundraising strategy. We have developed a Fundraising Booklet with guidance on how to create a fundraising plan, which we can share with you when you have been accepted onto the programme.


What have people’s experiences been like as a participant?


Our participants have given positive feedback on their experience, some have even said it was life changing. Have a read about some of our participant's experience here

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