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Our Impact

The South Africa Challenge experience has opened minds to new possibilities, developed confidence, increased academic success, changed careers, and been instrumental in starting multiple businesses and social action projects. 

Supporting our Challengers to become more self-aware, increasing their confidence, motivation, and goal setting ability; alongside increasing their understanding of their own values, vision, and leadership style, are outcomes we strive to achieve. Read our personal stories to find out how the experience impacted us. ​​

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SAC was my first international trip and it has made an impact in my life in such a way that I feel much more confident in myself and I realized that this is the time to do extraordinary things and to grab each and every opportunity and make the most out of it!

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I think it’s influenced how I go about what I do now, it’s given me confidence to go and do whatever I want to and be more proactive about getting it, as well as a motivation to keep helping those who don’t have anything when I can.

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It has definitely influenced me to do what makes me happy, its changed my outlook towards life, I am a much more positive person and the personal growth from the 2 weeks in South Africa would not be possible anywhere else in my opinion.

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It's made me see things in a brighter picture. How everything has a solution in life. My way forward for my business. 
Time management and direction to where I want to go and do with my life.     

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I think that South Africa Challenge helped me to grow and become more confident. I am trying to be more open, more positive and not be stressed before things that are new. 

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South Africa has significantly changed my outlook on life, it has made me re-think what's important in life and my values. An example of this is it has made me realise that I can achieve beyond what I have imagined and I will continue to hold this mindset going forward.​

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What you see, hear or read about isn't always the full story. Sometimes you need to experience something in order to be able to have a complete view on it.

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I learned about myself that I can achieve much more, if I push my self even further than I thought I already did. 

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The main way in which South Africa Challenge has changed me and my outlook on life is that the experience humbled me more than I could ever imagine. I thought I knew it all – I wanted to save the world and I was confident I knew how.

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My trip to South Africa has turned my life and the world as I perceive it upside down.  From a personal perspective, the stay in Durban has seen me develop into a more open, more self-confident and certainly a happier person.

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I think the main thing that I learned about others & South Africa, is that everyone's views come from their experience. It is entirely a result of their own lives and nothing clarified this as much as going to SA did. Essentially, I grew up a lot in those four weeks.


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