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Our Projects

Our Challengers research and test entrepreneurial solutions to societal challenges, working alongside organisations to co-create solutions and exchange skills, knowledge, and insight into innovative solutions found worldwide.


Here is a selection of societal challenges we have focused on since 2014.

Career guidance

Gail, Gregory, Raoul and Simi identified that the youth in KwaNdengezi did not have access to adequate support for making career decisions or information on which skills will be required to secure future employment.

After confirming the need for career guidance and linking with local organisations, including a further education college, they designed a motivational and interactive workshop aimed at helping people learn about their strengths and weaknesses; as well as career path and education options and job opportunities available to them.


The team succeeded in delivering this workshop to over 100 young people aged 18-35.

Developing Java Programming skills

Eva and Dennis identified a need for IT education, which can help people prepare skills for the 'fourth industrial revolution', which are in high demand in the Durban job market. They decided to organise a JAVA Programming training course and tested the need for it by sharing their idea with several local businesses and NGOs.

They partnered with the KwaNdengezi Education Centre and delivered a 4-day training course in Java programming for eight local professionals and IT technicians, which received excellent feedback. The duo is continuing their teachings through an online community called ‘Durban Developers’. They intend to re-use their material and their learnings from this experience to replicate the course in other settings, for example, in their home countries of Germany and Slovakia. Eva and Dennis also plan to return to South Africa next year with more instructors to deliver courses.


Hackadurban & The Durban Innovation Hub

In 2014, in partnership with the Durban Innovation Hub, Peter Bailey took on the ambitious plan to create a national Hackathon hosted in Durban as a part of the HackaGlobal initiative. Over the two weeks Peter and NK (Head Honcho at The Durban Innovation Hub) brought together over 40 coders, hustlers and designers to create Durban's first full fledged Hackathon.


Since then, Peter Bailey has been supporting NK and The Durban Innovation Hub across various initiatives to develop a technology-entrepreneurship consultancy.  In the summer of 2016, South Africa Challenge supported NK to visit the UK to learn more about the entrepreneurship and tech scene in the UK. â€‹

Find out about our other projects

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